Food & Nutrition: The Top Five Things You Need to Know


This webinar was live broadcast on August 21, 2019. You are purchasing a recorindg. You have 30 days from purchase date to download.

Presented by P.K. Newby, ScD, MPH, MS

Are you sometimes confused about what to eat for health? Do you want science-based information but don’t know who or what to believe? Do you feel like nutritionists are always changing their minds? If so, you’re not alone. But the truth is clear: while nutrition confusion is rampant, scientists know an astounding amount about the power of food. In fact, 80% of chronic diseases are preventable, and diet is the single largest modifiable factor. And we also know how to eat sustainably to protect our planet.

In this talk, Dr. P.K. Newby (“The Nutrition Doctor”) will present the “Top Five” facts from her latest book Food & Nutrition: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2018) to help everyday eaters navigate today’s complex dietary landscape. Participants will learn the keys to a health-giving, planet-friendly diet and leave inspired to live their healthiest, most delicious lives. Nutrition confusion ends here.

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P.K. Newby, ScD, MPH, MS (“The Nutrition Doctor”) is a scientist, gastronome, and author with twenty-five years’ experience researching diet-related diseases; studying how people make food choices and their impact on the environment; and teaching why what we eat matters, from farm to fork. She is a thought leader who speaks locally, nationally, and internationally, and her newest book is Food and Nutrition: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2018). Other works include Superfoods (National Geographic, 2016); two ebooks on employee health and wellness (Virgin Pulse, 2015); and Foods for Health: Choose and Use the Very Best Foods for Your Family and Our Planet (National Geographic, 2014; with Barton Seaver). She also communicates with the public on her blog, Cooking & Eating the PK Way. She consults regularly and has served as a science advisor to and on the boards of several companies.

Dr. Newby’s passion for nutrition stems from a life-long love affair with food, from cooking, baking, and gardening as a kid to working in the restaurant industry. She was one of the “best undiscovered cooks” on ABC’s The Taste (2014-2015) where she created globally inspired, plant-based cuisine based on her “Healthy Hedonism” philosophy—and she was the last woman standing with domestic goddess Nigella Lawson. She holds a doctorate from Harvard, two master’s degrees from Columbia, and served on the faculties at Tufts University (Research Scientist & Assistant Professor) and Boston University (Associate Professor). She’s currently an Adjunct Associate Professor and award-winning educator at Harvard and dedicates most of her time to fighting junk-science in all the ways that she can.

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