Profit, Power and Permission: A Course in Escalation for the Fitness Professional


This eight-hour course outlines the opportunity for progressive, career-oriented personal fitness trainers to elevate themselves in their profession by aligning with the field of medicine, and working with the largest, most in need segment of the adult population–the Unwell. From conceptualization to positioning, from mindset to strategy, this is a fully comprehensive course preparing anyone with a passion for fitness, and a commitment to excellence to prosper by performing at the highest levels, and bettering the lives of others.

Payment plan available for purchases of $399 or more. (3-payment plan. Start for only 1/3 down at time of purchase.)


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Lesson 1 – Profit Foundation: Mistakes and Corrections

This first lesson addresses the flaws in the Allopathic Medical Field’s treatment of chronic disease and opens the door to the possibility that a Personal Trainer with specialized training can be a greater catalyst for change than any conventional medical offering.  Lesson 1 is intended to:

  1. Change the way the Trainer / Student thinks about money, business, and opportunity
  2. Present the wide open field that sits as the space between fitness and medicine
  3. Prompt actions that allow an escalation in value, earnings, and potential

Lesson 2 – Being Uniquely You: Defining Your Value

In this lesson Phil discusses and explores what it takes to build extraordinary value in the Unwell Marketplace.  By identifying your Ideal Client Avatar (I.C.A.) you prepare to create a Bold Promise and Compelling Offer.

Be sure to download the I.C.A. Worksheet and invest the time in completing the exercise.  It will serve as a launch pad to finding your potential in the realm of Medical Fitness. Those who find the most immediate benefit in this course are those who will see and understand the magnitude of the opportunities before them and will follow the lessons with a number of actions.

Lesson 3 – Your Promise and Offer: Vital Elements in Client Acquisition

The Introduction to the Growth Process concept, Touch, Compel, Capture, Thrill is introduced and a deep exploration of “the bold promise” and “the compelling offer” bridge the leap from Compel to Capture.

Lesson 4 – Building Your Client Base Eternally and Without Limit

This session offers a thorough overview on Marketing for the Medical Fitness Professional.  It answers the question, “How Will I Find and Capture Clients?” and as you’ll see, the answer to that question is a key to massive returns.

Lesson 5 – Don’t Train Sick People: Capitalize on the Greatest Opportunity

This session is intended to shatter some of the flawed perceptions that suggest Medical Fitness asks fitness professionals to train “sick people.”  The fact is, our population is riddled with individuals who are fully functional in society, living “normal” lives, but hosting the progression of chronic disease.  After viewing Lesson #5 you’ll clearly see the opportunity in developing an enhanced skill set to help a massive market in need find restoration of excellence. A fair amount of emphasis is placed upon the importance of assessment.  A “Symptoms Checklist”‘ is discussed.

Lesson 6 – Managing Mindset

Mindset is the variable that determines both, how far the fitness professional will go in pursuing his or her own potential, and how effectively he or she leads the unwell client to a thrilling outcome.  In this Lesson you’ll find tools, strategies, and perspectives that serve to increase motivation, power, and likelihood of monumental results.

Lesson 7 – Fail Proof Influence

Influence may be the skill that is most important in helping a personal trainer rise from financial dependence to financial freedom.  This Lesson walks you through a 6-step process of Fail-Proof influence.

Lesson 8 – Your Castle Building Plan

This last session of eight reviews key points from the previous lessons and asks you to assess whether they resonate with you, what they prompt you to change, and how they can help you design your future.  It also lays out a template to help you begin to connect fully with “The Four Heroes,” Clarity, Focus, Discipline, and Planning, and begin to formulate your own “Creative Tension Process.”  While the volume of information can be overwhelming, this “Castle-Building perspective” will allow you to create a series of do-able steps and make the path to your greatest outcome one you can create and navigate.