Flipping Fifty Specialty Program for Trainers


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An online specialty course to expand your knowledge base, position your expertise, and deliver premium services to your clients! Position yourself for a market ready to invest in answers!

There are 38 MILLION female Baby Boomers (and 25 MILLION Generation X women right behind them) with hormonal concerns. Too often, clients with hormone imbalance require a special program, but instead are given a standard exercise prescription. Those clients are seeking support, but they’re not finding enough options, and they’re ready to invest in the right answers. Position yourself in a market hungry for answers, and willing to invest in getting the right guidance!


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Course Author: Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS, 30-year fitness trainer, wellness coach and speaker.

Level: Certificate

  • The Flipping Fifty Specialty Program gives you training on specific hormone imbalance issues.
  • Teaches how you can effectively support your clients in dealing with hormone imbalance issues.

Here’s what you get with your Flipping Fifty Specialty Program:

  • Access to the After 50 Fitness Course ($147 value)
  • Coaching Modules (audio)
  • Course Notes
  • Quiz
  • Certificate of Completion