BUNDLE: Five Joints Full Series + Assessment Webinars


The live series has ended and is no longer available for purchase, but the content from this series will be available via an online course, Joints of the Human Body: An Exploration of Six Joints and their Wholistic Relationship to the Body, coming in July.

The online course will include all webinars from the Joint Series (ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and hand & wrist), 2 assessment webinars, bonus content and CECs/CEUs. (The course is pending credit approval from AFAA, ISSA, NAFC, NASM, NCCPT and NSCA)

You can sign up to be notified of the course release.


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The Ankle

“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art,” according to the Master Leonardo DaVinci. Representing nearly 60 joints in the human body, the foot and ankle have a profound influence on the function of the entire human body, its performance, and health. Explore the beauty and function of the foot and ankle and how it influences knee, hip, and even shoulder and elbow function in this amazing walk through the foot and ankle.

The Knee

Robust yet frequently injured, the knee is a simple joint that is immensely complex and is poorly treated and trained frequently. Dr. Higgins will explore knee mechanics and function and how to fix and train clients problems that commonly affect this joint. Specifically, learn how to see common issues of the knee before they cause pain and are likely causing issues you are trying to fix right now, like Hamstring/Glute weakness, Plantar Fasciitis pain, and even back pain.

The Hip

Incredibly mobile and stable joint, the hip is the target of cumulative trauma caused by poor movement in a many areas of the human body. Dr. Higgins will explore how the hip interacts with the pelvis and the spine to become the source of biomechanical relief for these areas – until it fails. Learn how the hip can effectively be trained and help fix a multitude of problems your clients have through properly understanding the hip and its function.

The Shoulder

DaVinci made some of the most stunning anatomical drawings of the shoulder. This is understandable as the shoulder is a confluence of structure and function that delicately balances mobility and stability that is truly breathtaking. Helping clients with shoulder problems can be just as equally exasperating if the wholistic understanding of the shoulder is not appreciated. Dr. Higgins will explore the anatomical intricacies of the shoulder and its dependance on the function of the spine and lower extremity.

The Elbow

Seemingly just hanging out on the arm, the elbow is greatly affected by the rest of the body. Dr. Higgins will show how the elbow is influenced through posture and even knee mobility. Also, how a better wholistic view of the elbow in relationship to the body can help you train clients with issues from tennis elbow to nerve entrapments.

The Wrist & Hand

What joint has the biggest amount of space dedicated to it in the brain… The hand and wrist! The marvelous hand/wrist can be an amazing inroad to clients movement, function, and pain. Understanding how to evaluate and train the hand can make changes for clients that will make you seem like a wizard to your clients. Dr. Higgins will explore the fascinating anatomy, neurology, and practical techniques to train the hand.

Assessments 1

Assessments are key to the success of a Medical Fitness Practitioner. Especially now in this time of pandemic, those tools need to be able to be employed online as well as in person. Based on requests from attendees, Dr. Grove Higgins and Master Trainer Coach Pat Marques will build on the Joints webinar series to teach effective assessment protocols and techniques. In this first session, attendees will learn assessments for the foot, ankle, knee, and hip. They will learn how to use common technology to do assessments online and how to coach assessments for remote clients. Plus, attendees will learn posture, gait, functional movement, and individual joint assessments.

Assessments 2

In lesson 2 of Assessments for the Medical Fitness Practitioner, Dr. Grove Higgins and Master Trainer Coach Pat Marques will build upon the Joints webinar series for the shoulder, elbow, hand, and wrist. Learn assessment flows and techniques for in-person clients or using common technology to coach assessments for remote clients. Posture, gait, functional movement, and individual joint assessments will be shown. And a discussion of affordable and exciting technologies, apps, and other ideas to enhance your ability to perform client assessments, will round out your knowledge in this session.