Fun and Games: A Multifaceted Approach to Combating Youth Obesity


This webinar was presented live on June 15, 2021. You are purchasing a recording. You have 30 days from purchase date to download. Any offers or discounts mentioned during webinar may no longer be active.

Skyrocketing rates in obesity and inactivity in our youth population is wreaking havoc on the health and quality of life for an entire generation. It’s time to take a proactive approach.

This webinar will prepare the fitness professional to service our youth population. You will be able to add tools to your toolbox that addresses a major need while creating a new revenue stream for yourself.

Together we will:

  • Identify the causes and impact of youth obesity and inactivity.
  • Answer the question on what role the fitness professional has in combating this trend.
  • Learn strategies to implement at various developmental stages.
  • Learn how to use fun and games while making a difference.
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Pete Guzman is a NASM Master trainer, 4th degree black belt, MMACS, CES, PES, YES, SGPT, CNC. He has trained thousands of youths in fitness and martial arts over the past three decades.

He continues to share his knowledge, passion and experience with coaches across the US to help them to serve their clients best.  Pete is relentless in his pursuit to become the best coach possible. As a Master Trainer, he uses evidence-based programs and my 80,000+ hours of training others to ensure my clients get the best possible experience.