Why the Pelvic Floor? How It Functions and Why You Should Care


This webinar was live broadcast on March 16, 2021. You are purchasing a recording. You have 30 days from purchase date to download the recording.

Do you or your clients suffer from back or hip pain that requires regular treatment? Do you have clients that leak urine when they jump, run, or exert during a lift? Are your clients struggling to strengthen their core? Pelvic floor dysfunction is likely the culprit.

In this webinar with Mary Wilson, you will learn how the pelvic floor and breathing work together, what effect the pelvic floor has on core function, how to assess basic dysfunction, and tools to start fixing the problem in your clients and yourself.

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Mary Wilson is an exercise therapist with more than 25 years of experience. She has a unique understanding of women’s health issues, including pregnancy, postpartum, pelvic floor health, functional breathing, and joint mobility; she has helped many women overcome dysfunction and pain. As a coach and therapist, she partners with her clients to identify the tools that make the biggest differences in their health and develop the confidence to use them.

Mary has a BS in Fitness and Exercise Science, is Z-Health certified and is a Pre and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist.