
From Fatigued to Fit: Improving Gut Health with Botanical Medicine


Presented by Dr. Rachel Fresco

In this webinar, you’ll learn about GI pathogens and microbiome imbalances related to inflammatory conditions, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mental health, and other concerns. Current research on formulations and protocols will be given that will be easy to implement in practice.



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Dr. Rachel Fresco is founder and CEO of Bio-Botanical Research, located adjacent to Silicon Valley on the Monterey Bay. Her company has been delivering innovative botanical formulas to health care professionals since 1989.

These cutting-edge formulations are utilized as key support in the most challenging clinical presentations. Her focus in product development has been addressing concerns relating to GI health, Lyme disease, Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as oral care and systemic infections. The flagship formula Biocidin®. is recommended by noted authors, clinics and laboratories worldwide.

University-based research and published studies on her formulas include Borreliosis, pathogenic biofilms, and immune response in elite athletes. Other ongoing clinical trials include SIBO, H. pylori, periodontal disease, mycotoxins and other topics.

Dr. Fresco lectures at medical conferences both in the US and internationally, in addition to appearing on many podcasts and online summits relating to health and wellness. She “walks the talk” empowering and inspiring others to lead healthy and organic lifestyles, and modeling a new paradigm of corporate culture.