Creating the Mindset for Change in Your Clients


Health and fitness is simple, it’s just not easy. What you have to do — move more, make better choices with food, stretch, strength train — is not that complicated. But actually making it a part of your lifestyle can be quite challenging.

How do we deal with this?

By helping clients develop the proper mindset.

In this fun and engaging session, learn how to develop and cultivate a mindset that allows clients to not just achieve but sustain their health and fitness goals. Discover tangible tips and tools that have been effective for years in the executive wellness world that can be implemented and will make an immediate impact on your clientele.

This webinar was live broadcast on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. You are purchasing a recording. You have 30 days from purchase date to download the webinar from your account.

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Chris Stevenson – former Power Ranger stuntman – is the founder of Stevenson Consulting, a full-service consulting firm based in Westlake Village, California. Chris’s current focus is to help businesses and entrepreneurs of all types maximize potential.

His expertise stems from his past hands-on experience in all aspects of the health club industry. For almost 20 years, Chris and his team successfully owned and operated Stevenson Fitness, a full-service boutique health club in Southern California. The club’s success was based on providing an unparalleled member experience, centered on proper staffing, systematic operations, and world-class leadership. This success was reflected in the club’s NPS, which was consistently in the 90s (industry average is in the 40s).

Chris recently founded Be Military Fit California to bring the world-renowned brand to the U.S. Be Military Fit is the world leader in military fitness and outdoor training. In addition, Chris is an international speaker who regularly presents at IHRSA, IDEA, Club Industry, and many other fitness and business events. He also sits on the board of directors of IHRSA and the Customer Engagement Academy. From health and wellness to business strategies, Chris has the unique ability to instantaneously connect with people and to present viable, applicable lectures that resonate with every audience.