Exercise Considerations for those with a Respiratory Disease (In a Post-COVID World)


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hundreds of millions of people suffer every day from chronic respiratory diseases. Currently, 235 million people have asthma, 64 million people have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) while millions have allergic rhinitis and other often-underdiagnosed chronic respiratory diseases. Respiratory disease does not discriminate and affects people of every race, sex, and age.

Some of your clients likely suffer from a respiratory disease and you may be an important resource for finding relief.  Those with a respiratory disease need you and are looking for your expertise. Fitness professionals can effectively work with those who have a respiratory disease providing them with a better quality of life through proper movement.

This webinar will provide the fit pro an introduction to exercise considerations for those who suffer from a respiratory disease and tips on how specializing in this area can lead to a monetized and successful career. Your clients can experience a gradual and measurable improvement in their health and fitness status. Learn to lead and coach clients through a positive fitness experience that will meet their unique needs and facilitate an effective path to improved quality of life and greater happiness.

This webinar was presented live on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. You are purchasing a recording. You have 30 days from purchase date to download the webinar.

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Known as the trainers’ trainer, CarolAnn has become one of the country’s leading fitness educators, authors, and national presenters. Combining a Master’s degree in Exercise Science/Health Promotion with several fitness certifications and memberships such as FiTOUR, ACSM, ACE, AFAA, and LMI, she has been actively involved in the fitness industry for over 25 years.

She has executed her leadership and business skills within her career through various positions such as Wellness/Fitness Coordinator, General Manager, and Studio Owner. She specializes in teaching functional movement, pilates, yoga, TRX, HIIT, weight management, and behavior modification.  She is the creator and star of The Steel Physique Fitness on Demand series. She is a freelance health & fitness expert content provider for various companies and organizations such as eHOW.com and LiveStrong.com.  She is currently the Founder and Director of Education for Chiseled Faith, a Faith Based Health and Fitness Program for churches.