Why Track Your Sleep?


Completely free webinar from MedFit Classroom!


During this webinar, Dr. Gene Spirtus will discuss…

  • A brief history of sleep
  • What we know from national surveys regarding sleep
  • What makes a good night sleep
  • Sleep trackers — including what data is collected, what the data means and if there are downsides to collecting data

This webinar was presented live on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. You are watching a recording.


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Dr. Eugene Spiritus is the Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Bodymatter, developer of SleepWatch, the world’s leading sleep enhancement technology program.

He is trained as a Pulmonary/Critical Care physician he was founder and CEO of a large special practice that included a sleep laboratory.

Prior to his current role, he spent 11 years as the Chief Medical Officer at the University of California Irvine Medical Center responsible for Quality, Safety, Infection Prevention and Risk management. He holds the title of Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary/Critical. His research interests have been focused on the relationship between cost, quality and clinical outcomes.