Healthy Knees Cycling: The Right Way to Use a Bike to Strengthen Knees and Reduce Knee Pain


This webinar was live broadcast on January 19, 2021. You are purchasing a recording. You’ll have 30 days from purchase date to download the recording

A doctor often tells you that riding a bike is good for knees. But no one has told you specifically how to do it, until now. Cycling should be part of every program for clients who complain about knee pain because the knee movement helps to stimulate soothing joint fluid.

In this webinar, you’ll discover why cycling is so good for your knees, how to do a personalized bike fit for each client so they feel like a rockstar, and cycling techniques for body position, pedal speed, and pedal tension that will help your clients.

Presenter Robin Robertson discusses:

  1. Why cycling is so good for knees
  2. How to do a personalized bike fit for your clients to make them feel like a rock star
  3. The cycling foundations of pedal speed, pedal stroke, and how much tension.


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Robin Robertson is the international best selling author of Healthy Knees Cycling, Healthy Knees Strength, and Healthy Knees Total Knee Replacement. She has owned and operated the Bellingham Training & Tennis Club since 2000. Robin is accomplished in a variety of training methods including Functional Aging Specialist, ACE-certified personal trainer, USA Cycling Coach, and founder of Healthy Knees Coach.

Robin is a life-long athlete with a crappy set of knees which has propelled her to study the research and create programming targeting clients with knee pain. She’s had a total of 12 knee surgeries spanning 45 years starting at age 13 and culminating with knee replacement at age 58.