Guzzling 8 Glasses a Day Is Not the Way… and 5 Other Ways to Get Hydrated You Don’t Hear About


Completely free webinar from MedFit Classroom!

Hydration runs every system in our bodies, but guzzling water can flash flood your system, flushing out needed electrolytes and nutrients.

Join anthropologist, author and founder of the Hydration Foundation, Gina Bria, as she shares her research from desert communities — uncovering ways to hydrate in our ever more dehydrating world without drinking even more water.

This webinar was presented live on May 25, 2021. Any offers or discounts mentioned during the webinar may no longer be active. Recording presented via GoTo Webinar.


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As founder of The Hydration Foundation, anthropologist Gina Bria spreads the science of how plants transform liquid water into gel water, or H3O2. She shares how we can adapt and use these ideas now in our water-challenged world for better hydration and better water protection world-wide.

As a thought leader on the topics of hydration, energy, and water purity, she has shared the TEDx stage with leading water researchers, Dr. Gerald Pollack of the Pollack Water Lab, Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT, and Algonquin Grandmother Elder, Nan Andry. She has presented her work in rejuvenation and longevity at worksites in industries as diverse as IT companies, museums, sports conventions, schools, hospitals, and health and wellness gatherings. Her forthcoming book, QUENCH: Reclaim your Energy and Health with the New Science of Hydration, including A Five Day Plan to Get You Hydrated, is co-authored with Dr. Dana Cohen, MD, an innovative integrated physician in New York City.