home remedy for rabbit fungus

Be very careful as rabbits skin is very thin. Try activated charcoal water in its eyes. Wait a few seconds between each dispersal. It founded that some of the household rabbit diets are Too Varied they provide good protein and well-ground grains but not enough fibrous material. But a good balance is the key! Poor hygiene, humidity and a warm climate are possible causes of fungal infections. Shake well before application. Although it goes by the name ringworm, this is not a worm but a fungus, it is also one of the most common types of fungal infections in humans. Just wanted to provide some info to you re; syringes in the trash. Hopefully, with this article, you will able to give you some insight about homemade remedies. I looked on this website and read about the wonders of apple cider vinegar and put some which was diluted with water on the back of his neck. The life cycle of the mite is 21 days, so you would need to treat each animal a couple of times a week for up to 4 weeks - in addition to sterilizing the living quarters. Also, give your rabbits chunks of fresh pinapple or papaya which helps to breakup and disolve ingested hair. Jessi from Fairfield, IA, Your advice saved my rabbit! Effective Home Remedies For Foot Fungus -. I know it's ok for cats, dogs and horses. I had two bunnies at different times years ago and never knew all that I have read here. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27450704/. It is essential that staff handling the rabbits do not cross contaminate the barn by going from infected barn to clean barn; ideally staff would change clothing completely before entering the clean barn. I made so many mistakes at first, having no one to show me. Crush two cloves of garlic and mix them in olive oil to form a paste. The sooner they get treatment the quicker they recover. This essential oil enjoys both anecdotal and scientific evidence on its use as an antifungal agent. My first inclination is to depopulate: cull and harvest as many animals as you can - this to lighten the work load for the treatment required to clean up three barns of bunnies. Rinse with water after about 15 minutes. I've found the Critical Care quickly eliminates wool block (you give it 4 to 6 times a day until they start eating and pooping normally again). Posted by Adrienne (Vancouver, Bc) on 09/11/2014, Posted by Jessi (Fairfield, IA) on 01/10/2009, Posted by Nancy (Wonder Lake, IL. A good immune system also helps to treat fungal infections faster. Check out our entire range of skincare products. You can use antiseptic detergents to wash your clothes. I get my Critical Care from my vet but you can probably get it online or at your pet food store, especially if you ask for it. Jo adds that "You can also freeze the food in batches of a week's worth to keep mites to a minimum.". Looking for best lemongrass oil? I don't use any chemicals on my animals. In terms of skin and nail issues, apple cider vinegar is actually one of the best remedies for fingernail fungus infection as well. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy. You are most welcome. 2023 Earth Clinic LLC. Published January 2014. For example, add echinacea five days a week and none on weekends, throughout the lifetime of the bunny. MY bad - you DID state it was ear mites in your title line, and my eyes just didn't pick it up! Simple Product Pumpkin mash can be used to help restore digestive health in a rabbit with constipation or wool block. Clean the affected area with soap and water twice daily before you apply any home remedies or any other medication. The first 3 simple home remedies to treat cat claw fungus is apple cider vinegar. Any help and suggestions is appreciated. A lot of fungi that cause these infections are already becoming resistant to more aggressive forms of medications. That quest for knowledge continues to this day, as new and old remedies alike are explored. Bladder infections are quite a common malady in the rabbits and often related to an immune-system imbalance. After a few minutes, let it simmer. For the last month, the tumor will grow in size, changing appearance sometimes multiple times a day. (1), Tea tree oil has potent antimicrobial properties that can help ward off fungal infections. Disclaimer | Using honey is also one of the easiest home remedies for fungal infection as it contains hydrogen peroxide, very effective to kill fungus and bacteria which are responsible for causing skin infections. Moreover, add immune-boosting foods such as vitamin B12, copper, selenium, folate, iron, and vitamin B6 to your diet. If it weren't for them, my buns would have been dead by now. I would greatly appreciate any help. I HOPE IT WORKS. Some bunnies seem more prone to it. Scale fungal too use this remedies. Fresh parsley is antibacterial. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25219289/. (6). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4022204/. You will actually here the stomach start to gurgle. If this is the case, be sure to clean your rabbits daily. A rabbits digestive system functions best with a high-fiber diet. Apply a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil over the area. It protects our body from various infections. I strongly urge you to work with a local veterinarian - they can best advise with eyes on your actual set up and assist with obtaining the necessary medication in volume if needed. For nail infections, you can use antifungal nail lacquers, one to two times a week. Good types of grass hay for bunnies are timothy, orchard grass, brome and oat hay. Unless they need an antibiotic cream, this works great. 10 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus Try One of These 10 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus Vicks VapoRub Snakeroot extract Tea tree oil Oregano oil Olive leaf extract Ozonized oils Vinegar. please. I use flea free in there water it keeps fleas, flys, tick, mosqetios and other blood sucking hungery animals off them. I am looking for anyone who may be able to suggest a natural remedy to slow or stop the growth of a fibrosarcoma that is on my rabbit's lip. As grazing animals, rabbits need to have an unlimited supply of fresh hay daily. Recently my 9 year old rabbit has a ear infection, I took him to the vet he prescribed antibiotics.,no cure so far just started with antibiotics. Bahadoran P, Rokni FK, Fahami F. Investigating the therapeutic effect of vaginal cream containing garlic and thyme compared to clotrimazole cream for the treatment of mycotic vaginitis. In May 2012, I noticed a red bump on the outside middle tip of his upper left lip. More detailed information on fungal dermatitis in rabbits and treatment options can be found in: "Skin Diseases of Rabbits" by E. van Praag, A. Maurer and T. Saarony, MediRabbit.com, 2010. home remedy for rabbit fungus. E. purpureais a herb that nearly everyone can grow in the backyard, and a bulk of echinacea is available in health-food stores. It's quite stressful for him (and us) as the blood will get in his nasal passage and cause difficulty breathing I think, . Tea tree oil has potent antimicrobial properties that can help ward off fungal infections. Eat Yoghurt and Probiotics 2. And 12 hours after that her appetite came back. Hope this helps. You can repeat this solution 2 times per day for 5 to 6 weeks. The vet gave him intravenous fluids, pain meds, and did x-rays, and showed me how to syringe-feed him with critical care. Tea tree oil comes from the Australian tea tree. But please remember that rabbit are included as not low maintenance cost pet, same as cat and dog. Neem. Hope you found it useful. Buy the freshest hay possible and check for the presence of mold or dust, which could make your rabbit sick. He said there was something, but it would have to be injected directly into the tumor, would be extremely painful and he feared the medication would not help fast enough to combat the speed at which the tumor is growing. Wash the area with lukewarm water after 30 minutes. Wish you a speedy recovery. You must also eat sweet potato and carrot for their vitamin A content; almonds, hazelnuts, and sunflower seeds for vitamin E; and seafood, nuts, and dairy product as a zinc source. If a fungal infection is left untreated, it may lead to serious health problems, such as skin infections, fatigue, oral thrush and others. You can try the above-mentioned home remedies and self-care to aid the treatment and recovery. Feed 2 stems. You can try antifungal creams, ointments, sprays, shampoos, and foot powders as well. My three dogs all died too young following their advise, and not getting enough information from them and those darn shots they push on them all at once. It's in his inner ear. Moreover, avoid the use of artificial nails. Rather than only giving some homemade remedy, you should give them treat it as soon as possible, should you cannot reach your vet, please follow this guide. Hi Jagdish You need to know when your rabbit is sick, so you can prepare to reach your vet as soon you find your rabbit pet get sick. One of it is the ability to fight fungal infection. For more article all about some rabbit common behavioral problem, you might want to read 6 Effective Method to Treat Rabbit That Wont Eatand 8 Ways to Get Your Pet Rabbit Back in Its Cage. The most basic treatment of ear mites is oil in the ear - of any type. Make sure you're taking your bunny to a vet who sees a lot of rabbits. No picking him up, only working with him the way he thinks is best. (13), The use of alcohol and tobacco can stimulate the overgrowth of candida in the mouth. You have to introduce them to each other gradually, of course. Yogurt has been anecdotally used for the treatment of fungal infections, although there is no scientific evidence to it. Its a zoo, but I love it. It is recommended for mixing calming herbs into their diets during the bonding phase. Use Apple Cider Vinegar 4. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized so that all parasites are destroyed and reinfection cannot occur. ), devils claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), and feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) are also good. Yes you can use ACV in your rabbits water. I just love animals. Another option would be bentonite clay, administered in the same way. 8 Effective Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infections! It thus prevents the infection from spreading. home remedy for rabbit fungus. Rabbit or usually called bunnies is a sociable, personable, fluffy and lovable pet. For my Rabbits I take 4 capsules of Echinacea to one gallon of water and boil cool and refrigerator each day i put 1/4 cup in there drinking bottle water fill with fillter water boost their immune function. Keep this up until the mites are gone. Candid Gold 1% Anti Fungal Cream Tube Of 50 G, Sirona Natural Anti Fungal Therapeutic Body Wash - 200 Ml. ; . Moisture can be retained in skin folds, further giving a breeding ground to fungus. https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/rabbit-diet-what-feed-bunny. It's a serious matter if a rabbit stops eating. Mucormycosis: The Deadly Fungal Infection In COVID-19 Patients. Wash towels, socks, and bathmats with hot water of at least 60C. If these are not helping, you could use probiotic supplements that have more concentrated dosages of good bacteria. More antibiotic herb like Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), Oregon grape root (Mahonia aquifolium), and Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) are excellent herbs for bladder infections. The NFZ caused a fungal infection in the rabbits eye. Around the end of Sept. 2012 he went to the vet for neutering surgery. Most Common Risk Factors for Developing Fungal Infections: You can also follow certain precautions to prevent or treat fungal infections: When to visit a doctor for fungal infections? 2023 Animal Lova | Dont Let Infections Rain On Your Skin This Monsoon! You could also take oregano oil capsules orally. Causes. He's a mini-lop, blonde and about 7. Once you have your stock cleaned up you can introduce to the cleaned up barn and then start all over again with barn 2, and then again with barn 3. Adding ginger to our diet in the form of ginger tea effectively helps to prevent and treat fungal infections like Candida. The fact is, most fungal infections are easily curable with proper treatment, you may not even be aware you have a fungal infection. I put 3 drops of vinegar in my rabbits' water, and now they love drinking. The taylor's Family rabbit farm Ottawa, Ks. It came back positive for fibrosarcoma cancer. Published January 2006. Erica from South Pasadena Ca Sept 20, 2012. And she loves it---so I figured, after all the advice I read here, "Why not?". Published 2015. Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. antibacterial. I have a blind rabbit who has been getting treated by a vet for continuing on-going eye infection that hasn't been getting any better with the antibiotics, so I was wondering if there are any holistic medications that I could try to help boost his immunity. Dilute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water each morning, add a table of honey to improve the taste and drink the beverage before breakfast. The vet said my buns get wool block because I wasn't feeding them exactly right. What can I do to detox my rabbit who may have eaten potato leaves? Another consideration is Oxine combined with Citric Acid - this can be used both as a spray or as a fogger. Most vets are not trained in treating bunnies, and when they attempt it, they can actually hurt them. Here is a link about ear infection remedy, https://www.allthingsrabbits.com/allthingsrabbitsblog/2019/12/12/ear-infections-amp-how-to-cure-head-tilt. more. Anyway, I read up on borax, and it is NOT a safe product to be using. These generally contain ingredients such as miconazole, tolciclate, ketoconazole, ciclopirox, and selenium sulfide. An eye dropper of fresh pinapple juice can be used if your bunny wont eat the chunks, but start with the Infant GasX. Moghadamtousi SZ, Kadir HA, Hassandarvish P, Tajik H, Abubakar S, Zandi K. A review on antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity of curcumin. Shop Full Width; Shop With Sidebar; . https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24623607/. If your bunny stops pooping, or if her pellets are starting to look small and dry, that's a sign she's blocking up. Your veterinarian can provide an ear cleaner that is appropriate for your specific pet. Check for allergies to essential oils before using them. 1. Keep your feet dry, especially between your toes. An over the counter product campho-phenique often works with only 1 application. Use antifungal powders every day, especially on your feet, to prevent the growth of spores. American journal of therapeutics. But be sure to dry their hindquarters thoroughly after the act. Youll need to grab the tweezer and begin pulling the maggots out of your rabbits skin. Published May 28, 2019. Hi I read your article after taking my bunny to the vets recently. Wear good socks and change socks regularly. Visit the Etherbun online forum to ask your rabbit health questions. The environment of the rabbit should be cleaned carefully: vacuum cleaning, boiling of towels and cleaning of surfaces with 1:10 bleach water. It must be something form her past---she is a rescue, and I shudder to think what she went through before we adopted her. Once it has assumed a paste-like consistency, let it cool and apply the mixture to the affected skin twice a day. Use Coconut Oil 6. Moreover, keep your pets and their houses clean. I have raised rabbits for about 15 years, when they get ear mites I use a medicine dropper and put about 15 drops of olive oil in each ear. Arsenicum album D12 - treatment of indigestion, anxiety, fever, pain and lots more. I'm also wondering if anyone has a treatment that isn't dangerous that might work on my rabbits. Check out Augmentin 625 Uses. Dry between your toes after a bath or shower. The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22991095/. You could mix two tablespoons in warm water and drink it up or dip a cotton ball in it and dab over your skin. They are dehydrated and need subq fluid and immediate help! They can spread from one person to another, which is why as soon as you develop signs or symptoms of a fungal infection, you must consult a doctor. It's grown quite a bit blocking much of his left nasal opening. I do hope that this helps others who have animals with fungal infections of the eye. Make sure your bun has unlimited access to water - a crock is ideal for most bunnies, as they can then drink all they want. I just today experienced the panic and worry when you realize your bun is not pooping and also not happy. It starts working by the next day. But, we couldn't consider radiation until the wound healed. Anyone have a similar problem with their rabbit, and how did you treat it? It is spreading. However, further research is required to establish its mechanism. I have not tried any of these myself but was given the list through another rabbit website. Do not share personal hygiene items such as clothes, brushes, and towels. Sometimes, rabbits can be very aggressive, especially to other rabbits who they feel are invading their turf and not specially bonded to be recognized as a friend to the aggressive rabbit. You can also wipe their whole body afterwards. This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat fungal infections. They need constant roughage going through them, or they'll die. You are most welcome. Ringworm infections can be treated with terbinafine or clotrimazole ointments. Back then there were no computers and the vets don't always know about Bunnies. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Get-Bobo-home/1409993732632080?sk=timeline&ref=page_internal. I've been part of rabbit rescue and fostering for over 15 years and unfortunately have been through quite a bit of this. Some examples of probiotic foods are yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Wear new clothes after you get back home or before bedtime. (4)(5) Garlic contains organosulfur compounds that exhibit antifungal activity. Apple cider vinegar can kill ringworm and remove the allergens that can cause itching. Contact Us | Just wanted to share this with everyone. Honey 16. The following home remedies can help in managing mild fungal infections. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11855736/. Echinacea Purpurea acts as an immune- system balancer and not simply as an immune-system stimulant, it can be added to a bunnys food on a daily basis. Honey has antifungal properties against a wide range of fungi, including Candida albicans. I know have my daughters two bunnies and decided to look up homeopathic for them and what to feed domestic bunnies. Rabbits count vegetables and herbs among their favorite foods. Since it is easy on the skin, it is also useful to treat scalp ringworm. (10), Studies show that sodium bicarbonate is effective in killing common skin and nail fungal infection agents. (2). Check out Abzorb Antifungal Soap. Thanks! Often, some of these fungi, such as candida and yeast, may cause infections, especially if the skin is warm or moist. Rabbit Care: Rabbits need plenty of water, some veggies and greens in addition to rabbit feed, and amusements to keep them stimulated and happy. The vet thinks it's either glaucoma or a cyst. Check out Khadi Natural Lemongrass Essential Oil, Want to get rid of fungal infection? Certain vegies, though, will kill bunnies if fed over time, so choose from the "safe vegie list": green pepper, collard greens, swiss chard, parsley (a little), cucumber (a little), cilantro, endive, mustard greens, lettuce (NOT iceberg), carrots (only a small slice a few times a week), broccoli (only a tiny flowerette a couple times a week), certain weeds including dandelions, chickweed and plantain (if not subject to exhaust fumes from cars). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3208935/. Mix sodium bicarbonate with water to form a paste, and apply it to the affected areas. I have learned with my bunny when he needs a tummy rub to put my hand under him and rub his tummy with him relaxed and he approves by licking my hand to continue rubbing. ed bicknell wife; can i take melatonin during colonoscopy prep home remedy for rabbit fungus. Stay Safe! https://vetchick.com/2016/07/cleanpetears/. Is there a natural remedy for him that I can give to help his ear infection or do you have anything there? Her love for creatures great and small began at an early age, starting with caterpillars - which continues to this day, along with an interest in all insects and 'creepy crawlies'. Since the symptoms of fungal infections may be similar to those of skin problems such as psoriasis, it is best to get a proper diagnosis before trying any remedy. Using these you may never need to get to the wonderful product, Critical care. These fight off microbes that cause these infections. Conduct a patch test of the ingredients before full-scale application to rule out any adverse skin reactions or allergies. Discard old footwear, including sneakers, slippers, boots, and shoes. While fungal infections are widespread, they are usually mild and resolve within a week with proper care and treatment. Airborne Vs. Droplet Infections: Measures To Minimise Indoor Transmission Of COVID-19, Everything You Must Know About Vaginal Infections, Tinea corpis, ring-shaped rashes on body and limbs, itchy, Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and up to 40 fungi species. Yes, fungal infections may occur during winters. Using garlic daily helps destroy the bacterial and fungal growth, and then prevent the spread of skin fungus and bacterial infections. Stay healthy and safe! 17. Keep the area dry and moisture-free. Please follow good personal hygiene. Most greens found in a supermarket are safe for rabbits, with a few limitations and exceptions. Wear clean, dry socks every day. They usually hide their problem so long that but he time it's noticeable you need vet help. Washing the infected area with neem water helps in treating fungal infections. A fresh solution of one part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water sprayed on non-porous surfaces and allowed to sit wet for 10 minutes is effective. The idea being the oil smothers the mites. You wrote this in 2009. Even a little bit of sweat can lead to fungal infections so you must keep your skin clean and dry. He stopped eating, drinking, and pooping and I knew it was an emergency. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC538912/. If I put both hands on either side of bun, she jumps away immediately. However, It usually recommends an on-off routine. 2. This means that storing your dog's food correctly in a cool environment with minimal humidity can help to reduce the risk of storage mite contamination. I have no idea about such things, but am hoping there is an effective plant that is not toxic to my bunny's internal health in case of ingestion by "licking", but can kill off aggressive fibrosarcoma cancer cells. Apple cider vinegar is mildly acidic and can be used orally and topically to treat foot fungal infections. But the reality is timothy does grind up into powder, with alot of tiny splinter size pieces that clog any size seringe. This article discusses various home remedies to help treat fungal infections and also mentions different self-care and preventive tips that may help ward off such infections. 18 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections! Wash your skin with antiseptic soaps such as those containing neem. These eggs will hatch into maggots within 24 hours. Thank you. What happens if I leave a fungal infection untreated? One study showed that garlic is as efficient as clotrimazole creams for the treatment of fungal infections. Apply to the infected area for about thirty minutes. Sharpen your mower blades. Take care and God Bless. central forge vise replacement parts A bunny needs some salt. Then youll want to soak your rabbits rear in warm water. We took him to a different vet more specialized in rabbit care. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; which yttd character are you uquiz. Pare down to your essential breeding stock and clean those up, along with the facilities and begin anew. Apply raw, organic, or medical-grade honey to the affected area and wash after 15 minutes. Doing this thrice a day should produce beneficial results. I stopped using the NFZ Puffer and just flushed out the eye as I had been doing. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C 12. Let us take a look at some of them. Mix 1 tsp of turmeric with coconut or olive oil to form a paste. Pet rabbits can be afflicted with a variety of diseases and health conditions, many of which can be safely addressed with natural home remedies. Avoid scratching the affected area as it can worsen the infection and also increase the chances of spreading. Applying raw honey to the affected region is the best solution as it is loaded with healing properties. Excellent source for answers to questions about all kinds of things. Some of the people who write in there are pretty snotty, but it's the rabbit health forum on the web. Then, it will start bleeding, quite a bit, suddenly and the outer scab will seperate and come off. Here are a few common fungal infections and their causes. Refrain from sexual intercourse in the case of penile or vaginal infection. Just press the saturated cotton round on the bunny's eye for a minute or two. Should your rabbit get some health problem yet cant reach your pet for some reason, this article will help you to get you to Treat a Sick Rabbit with Home Remedies. Published 2007. While fungal infections are very frequent, the good news is that simple self-care measures and home remedies can help manage and prevent these infections. anti-inflammatory. Your wonderful and so is this site. The majority, if people think of pets, dogs or cats will usually pop up in mind their mind, but there are many folks that are convinced that bunnies should be included in one of thebest pets between cat and dog. By Nikita Banerjee +2 I brought her to the vet in time (you've only got a couple of days to save them if they stop eating), who gave her Critical Care, and the bun was fine in just a couple of hours. Wearing dirty clothes like unclean socks and innerwear can lead to fungal infections. 2 drops in 4 ounces of distilled water. home remedy for rabbit fungus. BTW - lavender has natural antibiotic properties. (2) Besides tea tree oil, oregano oil (3) and neem oil also have antifungal properties. Use aqua socks or slippers near public pools or changing rooms. The test came back inconclusive, but the lump seemed to get infected. ZH; I. Antimicrobial properties of honey. Finally, adding, as a sprinkle atop the food, one or more of the herbs that have been used traditionally when treating arthritis: Yucca (Yuccaspp. To treat the cortisone-like, anti-inflammatory properties, It recommended using licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Published December 2010. Because of that, dogs and cats, being meat eaters, have acid urine so uva ursi is not as effective for them. Bayan L, Koulivand PH, Gorji A. Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. Manohar V; Ingram C; Gray J; Talpur NA; Echard BW; Bagchi D; Preuss HG; Antifungal activities of origanum oil against Candida albicans. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17651080/. Its applied twice a day. (15) However, this claim warrants further studies and research to establish the effects of grapefruit on fungi. I've been raising rabbits for meat for my family. Check out that website and also the chat room "Etherbun." This is even better than the pumpkin treatment. 9 Home Remedies for Fungal Infections and Prevention Tips, January 28, 2021 - Updated on August 19, 2021, Home Remedies to Treat Mild Fungal Infections, Most-Asked Questions About Fungal Infections. In some parts of the country, feed stores sell timothy.) Some of the most common rabbit diseases include: Snuffles Encephalitozoonosis Flystrike Bordetella bronchiseptica Staphylococcosis Fortunately, most of these are relatively easy to treat and prevent as long as you know what you're looking for. I adopted a young bun off someone who had locked her in a cage outside for days left on her own no food etc, it's been a month now and my dog is fine as long as I keep them separate at feeding times, I'm massively struggling with litter training and I keep her out from 8am till at least 11pm, do u use apple cider vinegar in their water?? Ragged, frayed blades of grass are more susceptible to developing fungal disease than. He never looked at the poop samples, nor listened to my suggestion of using critical care. Girardot M; Guerineau A; Boudesocque L; Costa D; Bazinet L; Enguehard-Gueiffier C; Imbert C; Promising results of cranberry in the prevention of oral Candida biofilms. Always take a shower and use fresh clothing after exercising or spending time outdoors if you sweat a lot. Don't let them hurt your feelings if one of them gets nasty. You are welcome, appreciate your support, stay tuned for more such articles. thanks. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight since these can reduce airflow to your skin and increase local sweating, which together will increase the risk of fungal infection. If your rabbit is suffering from constipation/wool block, eye infections, ear infections, parasites such as fleas and mange, or other illnesses and conditions please consider the user tips below for caring for your bunny.

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