food that rhymes with alexis

I always loved East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I can visualize to this day seeing those pictures for the first time. I cant recall having a favorite type of book. I also loved the ISPY books growing up! We hope you enjoy them! Reading mysteries has made me more curious as an adult. My favorite pastime or maybe tied with my flowers, is still reading. I was not read to as a child and dont remember any books during my early years in school that stand out much but in my 40s when I began homeschooling my two daughters my love of good books and especially classic childrens books such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, Make Way for the Ducklings, All Things Big and Small by James Heriot, Little House on the Prairie, Winnie the Pooh, The Wind in the Willows and Animalia by Graeme Base opened a part of my heart I never knew was there. Childhood book favorite was anything by Richard Scarry! With World Book Day taking place this week on March 2, there's no better time to pick up a book and lose yourself in an imaginary world. It was kind of like the Wild Thornberrys. We are staying at our friends hillside property (fortunate to have minimal damage to her world renowned garden from cyclone Gabrielle) overlooking Wanuii beach for our last week before we head home to coastal B.C. And the result was I would rather sit and read than go outside and play. . I loved reading as an escape. This interest has bloomed into a wonderful life on our own homestead! The storybook I was most fascinated with as a child was called, A New Coat for Anna. The book belonged to my grandparents, and my grandma must have had it almost memorized, considering how many times I would ask her to read it to me! The photos in this book look so incredibly lush and beautiful. This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like alexis . As a child one of my favorite books was The Story of Ferdinand, about a little bull who refused to fight like the other bulls and preferred to sit in a field and smell the flowers. I know those stories shaped me! A lasting friendship between two unlikely playmates reminds me that anything is possible and there is a Greater Being in control. I loved the Bobbsey Twins series (showing my age!). My love for flowers had always spilled into my art work and I couldnt get my hands on enough books or magazines that showed me the way to my current craft love! About 20 years ago I decided I loved Bull Terriers and read up on them. It is funny to me and interesting to my family that I am such a bright, colorful, fun person, with this love of elegant flowers, but I have such a passion for all things horror and macabre. Growing up, I read the Chronicles of Narnia and Ill never forget the sense of wonder and adventure- it has stuck with me my whole life. Im sure the books helped inspire the great love I have for all the animals I see around me. Thank you ladies! Life lessons! It holds those stories in my mind. Growing up in Canada I loved all the Anne of Green Gables books. To see the different animals of all colors, shapes & sizes working together. I especially remember a book I had of fish that I would look at over and again. My grand daughter helps me and it is teaching her the process. Je ne sais pas si jai le droit de participer au concours tant donn que je demeure au Canada, mais je tente ma chance. I look forward to reading this ew took from down under. No question. Needless to say, that would then shape us into children who loved to read. Rudabeckia, nasturtium, zinnias, roses, peonies were always present.. we were also book readers and TV was limited in our house.. Im a big fan of reading now. Some of my best memories. I love a good variety of things now, and I love chatting with the people who love their hobbies or careers. Sugar, oh sugar, how you melt my heart. Its title alone has lit something in my spirit. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand My Mom was a kindergarten teacher who started our schools library in western PA when I was 7, making the passion of reading mine forever. As a child I had a book about families traveling by covered wagon on the Oregon Trail. iPhone; Android; FAQ; Blog; B-Rhymes Find words that almost rhyme. The interview was enlightening, inspirational and great food for thought. It was thrilling to me to read about each precious girls adventures in their gardens and it filled me with such joy. I know so many gardeners who learned the magic of growing gardens from their parents, and grandmothers especially. As a kid, I liked the Arnold Lobel books. My son has gotten me interested in organic gardening and I am trying to work toward that. The day I discovered shelf after shelf of books, and not just any books, but horse books! Its pretty cool that a book published 66 years ago, that also contains writings from WAY earlier than that, is still pretty relevant today. As a child I went on to create tiny moss gardens on the stone outcropping of my aunts garden, not far from her weeping willow. Francie breathed the warm air, watched the dancing leaf shadows, ate the candy and took sips of the cooled water in-between reading the book. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I loved to read as a childI really loved old poetry books I would find in antique shops while my mom would look for antique items that she was on the hunt for. As a small child I loved the Berenstein Bear books. To this day, it has helped me understand peoples customs better. . I loved the little house on the prairie series when I was a little girl. Looking at the whole picture. And still hope a fairy will make her home here. I live in a small mountain town farming flowers. A story where a small, shy girl became a part of the adventure with a lesson and a happy ending. I loved anything about nature and animals growing up. Thank you for sharing Zoes story and new book with us! I loved the Velveteen Rrabbit book as a kid. Thats whats awesome about nature. Now I read plant books and gain information on different varieties and a glimpse into that world. As a child I always adored finding the most beautifully illustrated books, especially the ones with bright colors and detailed nature scenes. I have now retired from my full time job at the university and in the last year have worked part time at a local flower farm and taken a bee keeping course and started my first hive. Basil E Frankweiler, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH- All vastly different, all equally wonderful! I am so grateful to to mother who understood and encouraged me. I am 14 and have a dream of growing my own flowers, arranging them and seeling them in gorgeous bouquets. The second was The Star Flower which had a large giant flower similar to a coloured sunflower. We are just moving into a new build with a blank slate and cannot wait to get started. Of course, I loved all kinds of hands on books. The book I recall MOST as a girl was Penelope Strawberry and River Radish! I love love love the book What Is A Whispery Secret? As a child I loved to read and collect books. Thank you for this interview with all the stunning photography too. My favorite books growing up were the Little House on the Prairie series, hands-down! I think these genres taught me to develop my imagination and increased my own desire to create beauty in unlikely places :), as a child I was enchanted by the Flower Fairies of the Summer book. My father was my 3rd grade teacher and my mother was a readaholic. They had these line drawn pictures with all sorts of crazy stuff hidden. I still remember, 30 years later, exactly where it was shelved in my elementary library. I would live out those adventures on a little plot of no mans land that was next door to my home. When I was a little girl I was in love with those bird books from Costco with buttons on the side that would play the song of the bird on the page. The Secret Garden was one of my favorites! One that sticks with me now and has turned into a yearly reread is The Secret Garden! As a child I loved the Beatrix Potter books. Thanks for reporting on the storm in New Zealand I wish them all a quick recovery. Aside from a few old trees around the house, it was a clean slate. I too loved the challenge of seek and find books as a child. As I had daughters of my own, I read this book to each of them. . Thank you for sharing. The books were about a little girl finding joy being outside, appreciating the beauty of nature, despite the circumstances in her own life. They are wordless seek-and-find books, and timelessly delightful for both kids and adults. Always love that memory! Zoes book looks wonderful, she has an incredible eye for colour. One of them was especially dear to my heart which is called Basket of Flowers. They all got a laugh out of that but I went to Purdue for Landscape Architecture and have never been the same. I read it in 4th grade with my class and we all were amazed at his perseverance for survival and hardship. Looking back I think the most impactful book of my childhood was Little Women. But My books today are very different and definitely include anything about flowers, biographies of interesting people from the past, and anything to increase my emotional and spiritual wisdom. Maybe that is where love for gardening started. Some of my favorites were the Hardy Bous and Nancy Drew, all comics, and fairy tale books. Truth be told. The Boxcar children were another favorite. And also to you Erin, for your successful business that make a lot of people happy. New Zealand is a beautiful country with wonderful people. It is no wonder that I grew into an adult who has studied both horticulture and medicine, who loves nature photography, is obsessed with being outside surrounded by flowers and wildlife, and who takes every opportunity I can get to travel and explore the world. Fairy tales and allegories! Sharilyn. They were just short little stories about famous people. I had to go to tutors for several years. Learning about Zoe Field through your Instagram is especially timely as I am closing on a property in NZ today and am excited about the prospect of visiting her farm in the future. His invented characters who would feed upon poets and tea. And give me a good princess story anytime. A neighbor had lent me a Nancy Drew Mystery and started me off. At 69 I still read The Secret Garden and find the same solace as a child. I remember one summer, I must have been 11 or 12, when I put a chair by my window in my room and fastened the curtains behind the chair to create a little nook. As a child I would walk to the library for my grandmother who lived with us. I loved Annes independent and adventurous spirit! I would travel the neighborhood on my bike, or walking to school and bring home my treasures of sticks, flowers, rocks and bugs. In our bloom time in southern Illinois I make little bouquets, take them to church on Sunday mornings and give them away to brighten the days of others. I will give a big shout-out to Sarah Hawkless of, Over the winter, we pulled out lots of roses that were underperforming. I loved the magical world of Narnia and learned the importance of friendship, courage, persistence and following ones dreams. The Princess Bride was definitely one of my favorites and I cant deny that Ive read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings multiple times over. I was fascinated by the daily life of these pioneers. Loved them! I like the what if possibilities. The richly colored illustrations in it always drew me into its world, and I never got tired of pouring over them. And that has inspired my gardening, its constant unfolding, its surprises and its sadnesses. My favorite childhood book was Moses the Kitten by James Herriot. This past fall (spring in the Southern Hemisphere) Zo released her first . thesis: diagnosis: hypnosis: oasis . I hope to grow some of my own with your wonderful seeds and start something new for my children and grandchildren. , As a child I loved Nancy Drew books and still love mysteries as an adult. My grandchildren are still reading it and memorizing the poems, 60 years later. The Bible has been my first and still is my go to book. I am still a child I think- I love books about animals and magic. I grew up in a large family (nine siblings!) They had beautiful illustrations. I did the same process with leaves. The catch, though, is that I didnt like reading myself. I read a lot as a child. my interests spanned from fairy stories to encyclopedias on animals, fish, birdsbut the one book that came up this morning was Where the Lilies Bloom, by Vera and Bill Cleaver. Add a . I have three young kids at home and find myself mostly reading childrens literature once again. Strangely, I think it may have been the Choose Your Own Adventure books. I was an outdoor girl and spent hours in the woods and along our pond with my dogs. I think my reading choices as a kid have helped shape me as an adult in the ways of learning our countries history and why we were involved in war. I said we were downscaling, but we ended up using it as a good excuse to source more. I would get stacks of them from yard sales sometimes. Ive been passionate about books, especially those with beautiful illustrations, ever since I can remember. When I moved to the states at 10, I read my first book (Harry Potter) and that opened my interest in reading and fantasy! Anne of Green Gables was a particular favorite, but I love reading nearly anything and everything! I loved to read as a child and my Mom would take us to the library each week to pick up another batch of amazing stories. Its been a hard season for the roses, so I feel like my new additions didnt quite get to shine like they normally would. Heaven! Secret Garden was one of my all time favorites; it showed empathy and something that I now know for sure: nature does heal. The secret garden a novel by Frances Hodgson that helped heal children both mentally and physically. Flowers, bugs, rocksALL of nature! My favorite book was Anne of Green Gables. I had a thirst for knowledge and my Mon wound by me encyclopedia style books to learn about garden, the weather (which has such impact on gardening) and I fell further in love. Even if its just a piece of delicious chocolate cake. As far as the book that I was most interested in as a child . I do battle with aphids, still havent solved my fungus riddle, and to my chagrin have not been able to save all of the characters in my kingdom. Show all. I love the magic. Its respectful to take care as we visit these places. I was drawn to nancy drew, pippi long stocking, bread and jam for frances amongst many more.. Growing up in a small town, I was so curious about the rest of the world, other landscapes, other cultures I guess it is was led me to learn foreign languages, and later on to study and live abroad. A workmate was encouraging me to change as he felt I was missing out on something very important in my life. Really there are so many books, but of the classics, Little Women was probably my favorite. Growing up. The honey-toned roses for The Beekeeper, sepia chrysanthemums for The Photographer, fluffy peonies for The Florist, muddy bearded iris for The Pottertheir worlds slowly revealing themselves bloom by bloom, in form, texture, and colour. Throughout my childrens elementary years we read Frog and Toad, Magic School Bus and various books of exploring and learning always with a theme of humor woven through. That same emotion in my reading imagination connects with wonder as a bud emerges. All books with colorful, artistic pictures were (and still are) my favorites. It never happened so when I started working I bought myself a horse. I would say the direction of our business has shifted from just supplying flowers wholesale to now creating with our flowers. I would empty one out and flip through the pages mesmerized by the pictures. I just started working with a wedding florist and am in love with flowers growers( not grocery store bouquets) flowers. Growing up I loved the Beatrix Potter books, I feel they helped foster my love and connection with the woods and wildlife, and made me think about not just myself when planting a garden, but all those creatures who could benefit as well. As a child I LOVED books that were set away from cities. It hardly relates to my passions for photography and gardening, but I devoured a series of books which I call the Maida books from, I think, the 1930s, , about the adventures of a little girl and her friends who live together in the little house. Books were my escape into rich worlds of other experiences as a child and I do not know how I learned to read before I started school. Isnt it amazing how we carry those special childhood memories with us for life! I am dating myself, but I read Nancy Drew series growing up. My favorite book as a child was Geraldine Belinda by Marguerite Henry. While she was at her signing her baby daddy, Fetty Wap, came to congratulate her, and these two shared a few words after months of not seeing one another. Beatrice Potter and the Peter Rabbit series was one of my favorites. Nancy Drew is first thing that popped up as favorite childhood books. One of my favorite books was Mairelon the Magician. Its the reason I chose to garden organically and to use no kill methods to deter pests from my plants above and below the ground :). I loved science books of every kind growing up, physics, botany, zoology, weather.. The picture book had full color illustrations on every other 2 page spread. Lost & Found incorporates two of your biggest passionsflowers and photographyand is an absolute feast for the eyes! As a child the library was a world of wonders unfurling in each book. We also used to have a game called the garden game and it was our absolute favourite game to play. Zoes book is gorgeous and makes me nostalgic for the I Spy books my children loved. I still love learning! What a great idea for a book. The pigments used for the illustrations evoke the translucent palettes of the natural flowering world. You have inspired me to work toward creating a garden that would captivate my child self. Flowers and painting are my passions now. She created a refuge for herself and grew and amazing garden. I was enchanted by a book with incredibly beautiful illustrations: The Girl and the Rain by Milena Lukesova. I learned that working with your hands is important and bad things happen to good people, pushing forward is a must. Am now enjoying sharing them with my grandchildren. Like so many others I loved Anne of Green Gables. You can try to cheat, or you can play fair , They give you energy and help you stay strong . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The richness of life in other countries and cultures captivated me. I was always interested in books set in past times, from Beatrix Potter childrens stories, Bront sisters classic books, to Zane Greys westerns. I would spread my arms wide and soar over mountains,, forests and valleys. Where there was hurt at home , there lied hope in between the pages. I spent many afternoons pouring over BusyTown, fascinated by the different careers and homes that were shown. I loved that Australian flora and fauna were celebrated in books. My favorite book as a little girl was Beatrix Potters book Peter Rabbit. I loved the fact that she solved the mysteries without having to rely on boys for help. Hard to say any one type of book- I had a mom who loved to read and read us all types. Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.. Confucius. Im old enough that the Dick & Jane (see Spot run!) But now that I am getting older and more into gardening as a hobby, I cannot get enough picture books of anything floral! I get lost in it and then I go into my garden and dote on my flowers. It provides us with nearly year-round produce and cut flowers spring to fall. Thanks! I loved the idea of going through an old gate into a garden of gnarly vines, branches, a Robin, and finding a refuge there. They provided me a much needed escape from whatever adult world I was stuck in. Little books like this made me feel like it was ok to be alone and every time I work in my own flower garden as an adult I still think of this book. Now that I have a daughter, and with my sons Im excited to share these classic imaginative stories with them. Professional books, horticulture, YA, fantasy, graphic novels, literature etc. The death & dying series was heartbreaking, but would remind me that life is short & to cherish your loved ones. We had tons of series at home Happy Hollisters, Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew and many more. I LOVED Pippi Longstocking and Heidi especiallythey were always doing the things that other people didnt think were a very good idea (like running around outside in the grass with the goats and other animals), but in the end those were the Best Things to be Doing. I spent a lot of time on my own but books transported me! To this day, historical fictions are my favorites, allowing me to learn about another time, through the realistic experience of strong women of that time. I loved Choose Your Own Adventure, Sweet Valley High, and doing I Spy! We need to see beauty in times like these. I loved Nancy Drew books and any type of mystery book! I love the fact that the story takes place on a farm and contains important life lessons such as standing up for what you believe in which can make a difference in the world. I had a book called The Secret Garden, that I was obsessed with. Beautiful book! My moms old biology textbooks, it opened my mind to wonder. They feel free to laugh, pretend, and get stronger. Just beautiful. When youre feeling down, and youre in a funk, Eating a salad is guaranteed to perk you up, The bright colors and fresh flavors will lift your spirits high. It taught me that following your dreams is totally worth the journey even when tears come. I read dozens of them! I loved mystery stories of all kinds: Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and also read the Little House books many times over. I would read anything. Flowers are definitely a spirit animal for me. Pop your plate on the tray. Im glad to do it, cause its my delight. I think the second delight was the best! How fun. As an adult I love to walk in nature, still hoping to spot a tiny gnome house. Its not that I loved their stories I dont even remember them now like I do other beloved books =) but the way they showed that decisions have consequences to think carefully and choose wisely and that sometimes even when you do, things still go sideways thats has a pretty significant influence. Stand tall, stand strong, and always be near a bouquet of flowers! Near rhymes (words that almost rhyme) with daisy: crazy, davy, davie, agave. Going to the the books fairs were my highlight of the year. And the chores and growing their own food captivated me!!! Planning to read those books to my grandson and to grow sunflowers with him this summer!

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